Futures Consciousness Scale
for Youth

Understand. Anticipate. Prepare. Embrace.
Futures consciousness is the human capacity to understand, anticipate, prepare for, and embrace the future. When integrating futures thinking in the classroom, it's important to assess and measure how futures consciousness evolves and change over time as a result of students’ learning experiences.
Teach the Future in partnership with researchers at the Finland Futures Research Centre (University of Turku) and University of Geneva have developed a youth version of the already published Futures Consciousness Scale for adults.
When integrating futures thinking in the classroom, it is important to assess and measure how students' futures consciousness evolves and changes over time because of their learning experiences.
You can test your students before embarking on their video and activity journey and we will send you a report of their collective rating.
The FCS for Youth is most effective if used per class or workshop of similar-age learners.
The FCS for Youth can be done before starting futures literacy lessons to establish a baseline understanding of the learning. Once completed, the educator will receive a report with the learners’ results.
At the end of the futures literacy lessons and activities, educators might choose to do the FCS for Youth again, to test the learners’ understanding of futures literacy. A 2nd report can be generated and sent to educators, at no cost.
Background to the Future Consciousness Scale
Source: https://futuresconsciousness.utu.fi/research-team/
“The journey of the futures consciousness scale began when Sanna Ahvenharju, Matti Minkkinen and Titta Tapiola, from Finland Futures Research Centre, met at a post-graduate futures studies course, organised by the Finland Futures Academy, where the tasks included writing an article together. Sanna had come up with the idea of measuring futures consciousness because she was interested in examining futures consciousness of influencers in the context of promoting sustainable consumption. Enrico Wensing, from the University of Columbia, was acting as a tutor on the course, and he connected the Finns with Fanny Lalot, a social psychologist, at the time working at the University of Geneva.
The project quickly grew into much more than a single article for a post-graduate course. Many intense debates, and various drafts over a couple of years eventually led to an agreement on the content and presentation of the five-dimensional model of futures consciousness and the approach on how to measure them. Alain Quiamzade, from the University of Geneva, provided vital help in deepening the psychological understanding of the five futures consciousness dimensions as dispositions and abilities.”
What does the FCS measure?
The FCS measures five dimensions of futures consciousness.
Time perspective: Understanding the past, present and future (long-term perspective) and rewards.
Agency beliefs: One’s beliefs about the future and ability to influence future events.
Systems Perspectives: Seeing and understanding the interconnectedness between human and natural systems, and the consequences of our actions.
Concern for others: Understanding the interdependence between everyone on Earth, and motivation to improve the lives of others.
Openness to Alternatives: Ability to question beliefs, and evaluate alternatives and future possibilities. For more information on the Five dimensions of futures consciousness: https://futuresconsciousness.utu.fi/scientific-basis/
The FCS for Youth was developed in partnership with Finland Futures Research Centre (University of Turku) and University of Geneva.
The FCS for Youth helps to Track Your Students' Journey
✓ Establish baseline understanding before starting f
✓ Receive detailed collective class reports futures literacy teaching
✓ Monitor progress throughout the learning experience
✓ Compare before-and-after results
✓ Measure growth in futures thinking capabilities
How It Works:
Pre-Assessment: Test your class before starting the futures literacy lessons
Receive Your Initial Report: Get insights into your students' baseline understanding
Complete the Video Series: Guide students through the learning journey
Post-Assessment: Measure their growth
Compare Results: Receive a second report showing their development
Maximize the Learning Impact:
Perfect for entire classes or for workshops
Establishes clear learning outcomes
Demonstrates program effectiveness
Helps guide further instruction
The Teach the Future process:
Educators complete application form and return to Teach the Future.
Application is assessed and approved, or further information is requested
Make the payment
Complete the consent forms and return to Teach the Future.
Attend an one-hour instructional webinar on Using the FCS for Youth
After the webinar (a one-hour instructional webinar will be available each month), you will receive a customised access code to access the FCS for Youth
Please advise us once your class has completed the FCS for Youth and the results report will be sent to you.
Please advise us when your class has completed the follow-up FCS for Youth and the 2nd report will be sent to you.
Accessing the FCS for Youth
The FCS for Youth is FREE.
Teach the Future will need a $40 payment for the one-hour instructional webinar and processing of log-in details and reports.
Should you require further access to the FCS for Youth for another class or workshop, additional access is available at a $10 administration fee, or $200 for up to 40 classes or workshops.
First workshop on 12 March 2025 at 18h00 CET.
Fill in the form below and we will send you the relevant application forms.