Hello Teach the Future & Young Voices Network & Community,
As you may have heard, we are pleased to announce that Teach the Future (TTF) is partnering with the School of International Futures (SOIF) for a third year to offer Next Generation of Foresight Practitioner - Young Voices (NGFP-YV) awards for young people between the ages of 12 to 17 year olds.
We know that young people are doing great things to create a better future - and we would like to hear about them. Individuals, partners and group project submissions (up to 5) are welcomed 12-17 years of age. We see this as the start of a conversation so we can learn, listen, and support them as they start or continue their foresight journey.
The competition for 2023 is now open: Apply Here
The first-place winner will receive a USD $1000 prize to help realize their future-focused project and catapult their idea into action.
Three runner ups will each receive a USD $500 prize.
Six top finalists will also be recognized for their ideas and efforts
Briefly, entering the competition requires a brief bio, a 400-word essay and a 2 minutes and 30 seconds video describing what the young person has done or plans to do to anticipate and create change in their community. Young people, individuals, partners or groups (up to 5) 12-17 years of age may click here to apply now. Applications close on 16, June 2023. **Previous NGFP-YV cash prize winners may not re-apply but please share with your friends so they can apply!
Youth are encouraged to attend:
Sign up for our Q&A Morning Session
Sign up for our Q&A Afternoon Session
Send your questions and inquiries to ngfp-yv@teachthefuture.org
Are you not a youth but want to be involved with the awards this year?
We are looking for judges that would like to participate and help select the best proposals. Judging requires about 6-7 hours total and begins soon after 16, June through mid July Sign up to be a judge click here to fill out this form.
Contact us with questions at yv-judges@teachthefuture.org.
We are looking for donors, sponsors or organizations that would like to partner or sponsor some of these prizes. Partners or sponsors can contribute to NGFP-YV awards in three ways:
Promoting the Awards
Judging the Awards
Financial support
Best Wishes,
Lisa Giuliani
Director of Youth Global Projects

Apply Using our personal QR Code