News from our worldwide hubs
Teach the Future is a community and our hubs of educators and advocators are located throughout the world. Here's a sample of activities taking place in our local hubs.
South Africa: Our South African hub, lead by Janine and Zanne, has been up & running. Read and watch more on the hub leaders and their recent activities in this blog.
Mexico: In Mexico they've initiated an online videoconference series on futures thinking. In June a session of this online videoconference was dedicated to Teach the Future. Our hubs from Colombia, Uruguay, USA, The Netherlands and of course Mexico participated by sharing their experiences in an online talk. Want to know more about the videoconference and watch these talks? Check this blog.

Brasil: Our Brasilian hub organised a session for teachers on teaching the future. Though being a bit hesitant at first, these teachers enjoyed the contents of the session a lot and are now enthusiastic on integrating futures teaching into their classes. That's how you create ambassadors!

The Netherlands: Our hub in the Lowlands has collaborated on this years Kinder Trendrede, where kids advise their municipality and mayor about their visions for the future of the city. Hub leader Erica Bol also created 4 future scenarios on education for school leaders, which she shares during masterclasses organised by Cubiss.

[visuals made by Visueeltjes] // Getting excited and want to start a Teach the Future hub in your country? Please contact Peter Bishop. // Already participating in a hub and want news from your hub featured in the next newsletter? Please contact Els Dragt.

Teach the Future Meet-Ups
Educators and advocators of Teach the Future are meeting, sharing and presenting on the mission of empowering youngsters via futures thinking. Take a look at some recent meet-ups and keynotes and join us on the next one.
Cześć Poland! The first official meet-up of Teach the Future advocators and educators in 2019 happened in Poland last May. Want to know what happened and what we achieved? Read this blog.
Hej Denmark! Teaching the future spreads it wings from classrooms into the domain of museums! Peter Bishop presented at the Ecsite conference (the European network of science centres and museums) in Copenhagen on Future thinking in science centres. You can find more info and a Twitter archive over here.
Hola Mexico! Our next meet-up will be on September 10th in Mexico City. It will be hosted just before WSFS Conference in Mexico City, a great opportunity to combine two futures thinking related events. You can find more info here. We hope to meet you there!

Futures Playbook in translation
One of the teaching materials that we developed is the Futures Thinking Playbook. The playbook is already translated from English into Dutch and Italian. We are happy to share that the playbook is now in the midst of being translated to even more languages: Greek, German, Spanish, Portuguese and Icelandic! We thank all the people from our network who organised the playbook translations for putting in their time and effort. These translations help enormously to spread futures thinking globally into classrooms! Are you interested in organising a translation of the playbook into your native language? Please contact Peter Bishop for more information.

In the spotlight: Alethia Montero
Teach the Future has many advocators in hubs worldwide. Let's take a closer look at Alethia Montero, our hub leader in Mexico. Alethia has a bachelor in Psychology and a Master Degree in Humanist Body Psychotherapy. She also did studies in arts (particularly theater, singing, dancing); and has been into Futures Studies (Prospective in LATAM) since 2003. What drives you in life? "I am a sensitive person whose mayor concerns are in looking for various ways for people to heal. Movement, especially body movement, is my passion. I love dancing, in particular pole dancing. Versatility is one of my main principles. I specially like training people and my most recent work field is Personal Futures. As the director of Teach the Future Mexico, I have a particular interest in how we reach young people with futures studies through arts, culture and games." Why do you feel teaching the future is important? "To embrace challenge is crucial. Vertiginous changes in the world are happening and will continue to happen. Having tools for life and being emotionally, physically, spiritually and mentally prepared to face those changes is essential for all humankind. The past cannot be changed, but the future is in our power!" Why is teaching the future important specifically in Mexico? "In Mexico we have a culture of immediatism and troubleshooting. There is almost no long-term vision. If we can learn to step forward by working towards the common good, we can increase the wellbeing of individuals and communities, which will in the end create a more wholesome place to live." What do you think the world will look like if teaching the future becomes the default? "Schools could be turned into futures incubators. If every school teaches the future there will be an emergence of empowered and conscious humans. These will transform, construct and contribute to shared futures, leave a trace and explore possibilities with freedom and goodwill. In the end I think there will be less harm, less fear, and less scarcity in the world." Thank you for inspiration and dedication Alethia!