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Teach the Future is a global non-profit movement that promotes ‘futures literacy’ as a life skill for students and educators.


In a rapidly evolving world it is essential to learn how to deal with uncertain and ever-changing futures. Let’s prepare our next generations with these skills in the classroom!

Our aspiration is that every student is prepared to navigate an uncertain world and has the agency to imagine and create their preferred future.

Our mission is to teach futures-thinking skills to students and educators around the world and to inspire them to influence their futures.

Why is teaching the future important?

We know that hope for the future is a primary predictor of success, but schools offer few practical tools to help students make sense of change or to explore their role in shaping the future. 


We believe that young people of any age can learn to think critically and creatively about the future and develop the agency to influence it. 


The Teach the Future community is dedicated to bringing futures thinking to schools, educators, and students around the world. By teaching the future you can equip young people to face uncertainty and help them envision and create their preferred future.


Teach the Future supports the 2030 Agenda for sustainable Development and the Sustainable Development Goals, in particular SDG 4: “to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.”


The Teach the Future curriculum (in various formats) is taught in schools (or after school hours) around the world.

happy kids

What impact do we want to achieve?

By getting futures thinking into classrooms today, we want to achieve long-term outcomes for generations to come:


  • Stimulate futures consciousness

  • Activate different ways of thinking (critically and creatively)

  • Teach the ability to navigate and influence change in the face of uncertainty and complexity

  • Engage in better decision-making

  • Create more active citizens

  • Spark more empathy, particularly for future generations, in solving societal issues

Meet the Team


How did it all start?

Teach the Future was founded by American professor Peter Bishop. Peter led the University of Houston Master's in Foresight program for 30 years and wrote Teaching About the Future with his colleague, Andy Hines. Upon his retirement in 2013 he initiated Teach the Future because he felt that futures thinking should not only be taught at universities but made accessible from an early age on. In the past years Peter’s mission for Teach the Future has spread out over the world and is still spreading….

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©2013-2025 by Teach the Future.

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