Future Leader Program
Future Leaders Program - Equipping young people with the skills to build a better future
In a rapidly evolving world it is essential to learn how to deal with uncertain and ever-changing futures. The Young Voices Network under Teach the Future is excited to announce the commencement of a new virtual experience for young people under the age of 25 to experience future thinking and leadership titled "Young Voices Future Leader Program". Want to be part of this experience? Join us, our pilot program is free for young people ages 12 - 25. Fill out our waitlist form here: https://bit.ly/yv-fl-reg. A certificate of completion will be given to those who complete 80% or more.
For Mentors (aged 26 and above)
[Note: In the pilot program, mentors will be auditing the course along with the youth participants]
A special opportunity for those over the age of 25 to join the program as volunteer mentors. All selected mentors will receive training on how they will support the younger voices through the program. Let’s prepare the next generations with these skills so they can collectively build a better future. Limited slots available, register your interested here: https://bit.ly/yv-fl-mentor
For group registrations, partnerships, or any other queries, please send an email to young-voices-network@teachthefuture.org

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